Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Canon BG E2N

Canon BG E2N

If you are shooting a Canon EOS 50D, Canon EOS 40D, 30D or 20D, the Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip is a worth-considering accessory.

I personally shoot in vertical/portrait orientation as much as in horizontal/landscape orientation. Having the vertical grip allows me to shoot from a much more comfortable and much more stable position - and gives me more control over larger lenses. The BG-E2N is invaluable for long sessions of vertical use.

With room for two Canon BP-511/511A/512/514 Lithium-ion battery packs, the Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip gives us twice as many shots without a battery change. It will function fine with one battery as well.

The Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip installs into the 40D/30D/20D's battery compartment. The original battery door is easily removable and the BG-E2N plugs in. The attachment is completed by screwing the BG-E2N into the camera's tripod adaptor threads. The BG-E2N provides its own tripod adapter threads - this functionality is not lost.

The battery grip provides controls and shutter release identical to the camera's grip. The one exception is that the "AF-ON" button from the new-at-the-same-time Canon EOS 40D is missing. The BG-E2N replaces the Canon Battery Grip BG-E2. It basically adds some weather sealing around the battery compartment to the original design.

The only Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip downside I can think of (other than having to purchase it) is the extra size and weight it adds to the camera body. The BG-E2N measures 5.6 x 4.4 x 3.0" (142 x 112 x 76mm). It adds 2" (51mm) to the height of the digital camera when attached. It weighs 10.2 oz (290g) without batteries.

Want some added convenience when traveling? Simlpy remove the grip and put the battery door back on. Need to get through an extra long shoot but do not want to buy the extra Lithium Ion batteries required for it? Insert the included BGM-E2 AA Battery Holder for the Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip and power your 40D/30D/20D with 6 AA batteries.

If you have a 40D, 30D or 20D, this is an accessory worth having.

Digital Camera Canon

Good Reasons for Having a Canon Camera

A Canon digital camera is a camera that can take digital pictures without using film! Canon makes a lot of cameras ranging from entry-level point and shoot all the way up to the use of a professional DSLR. You can buy it at almost any big chain retail stores, but they are not cheap. Not as cheap as you can see next to them in the store, but that makes me to my first reason why you must have a digital Canon camera.

1. You must have a Canon camera because they are more expensive! That's right, I say they are more expensive because there are reasons behind it. If you ever see something and compare with other similar items you notice that there are some more expensive than others! They all do the same, but there is no price difference between some of them. Maybe there is a big difference in price too! The reason lies behind the fact that the more expensive items in the same category made even better! manufacture decided they wanted to add some better parts or features to which they are to be above the competition.

Well, additional features and the rack at the expense of a little more, and they know that when it is being compared, the quality they give will be better than what is offered. manufacturers can not sell these products to what their competition to sell because they use the better way which increases their cost of their products a little more, but they know it's really better than what is offered. You as the buyer should be smart to take that into consideration and spend a little more on one Canon camera!

2. You must have the Canon because they take quality pictures! Did you ever see a picture or online somewhere and thought it does not look good? The truth is that the picture you see is the bad camera made. In fact, it may not Canon that takes photos. Canon has a very stringent quality standards to follow to produce the best images. Is it the low cost Canon camera or camera from one of their professional class, they always take high quality images that produce the best pictures. Also known canon in this industry! Take advantage of the excellent photo quality Canon camera produces!

3. You must have a Canon camera because they are built very well. Well, I take back. They are built like tanks! This camera is a joke. Canon's high standards has produced a camera that can take abuse. I would not suggest you drop one of these if you have one, but they can take a beating. The camera is very well built I have heard them months and months of surviving the constant disregard of the owner. An example would be a friend of mine who just bought a Canon camera. He decided it was just another camera and do not care about it. I have seen him drop a few times, shake it because he thought it froze on him, and left it on Subzero temperature only to discover he had forgotten it was there for days. After taking it in the condition and turn it on, the camera is designed to immediately functioned way. Snap shot after shot snap and abuse they can take a beating!

4. You must have the Canon because of lens Canon uses are the best in the industry. Even if you buy a Canon point and shoot if you look closer the lens is made of some of the highest material! You can see VERY clearly on them, even for people who have less than ideal vision. Anyone going to see an absolute clarity in. Canon's lens produces very resistant to scratches and swirl marks. If you see something that may consist of early signs or swirl trying to wipe it away with a soft cloth. That false start or swirl will disappear instantly! On to the Canon DSLR lenses are made of very high quality standards that you can not destroy them easily or get a bad picture! Unless you have a focus completely off and decided to use a different approach to your photography. Besides mentioned briefly some standard of quality, the Canon lens is outstanding!

5. You must have the Canon because they have the best post-processing software available for you! Canon camera package not only comes with manual, extra information page clearly written, but they include some of the best, if not THE BEST software package is free for you to use after you take your picture! You will have so much fun editing or fine tuning your images exactly the way you intended to use the software on their position. It also makes organize your photos a piece of cake. If you want to fix the sharpness issue, you can do it in their software. What about the color tone? It's simple to use just a few clicks of your mouse and adjust. Got a problem with the brightness? That's easy, just slide in your preferences brightness tool their awesome and you're set. Can not be much better and easier with a great software package Canon all-inclusive with high quality camera

Camera Canon Eos 1Ds Mark III SLR

Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III Digital SLR Camera Review

It is always exciting to hear that your most-used piece of photography kit is being replaced with a new and improved model - as was the case for me with the announcement of the Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III. The 1Ds III is Canon's ultra-high-end DSLR, delivering top-of-the-line image quality from a top-of-the-line shooting system matched to a top-of-the-line physical structure.

If you read the Canon EOS 1D Mark III Review (Canon's other current-at-this-time 1-Series DSLR), you are going to think that much of the Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III review sounds familiar. And for a good reason. These two redesigned-from-the-ground-up cameras are mostly identical with the exception of a few significant differences - including the sensor size/resolution (and associated parts including the viewfinder) and the max frame rate/buffer depth. Here is how they and the other current Canon DSLRs compare in these and other regards

Each of Canon's 1Ds bodies to date have been introduced with a new sensor having the highest resolution available at that time (the prior-model 1Ds Mark II is still the second highest resolution DSLR). And as usual, the new sensor gets a significant amount of the fanfare in this latest 1Ds iteration. No current DSLR compares to the Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III in regards to its ultra high 21.1 megapixel full frame resolution.

Going from the 1Ds II's 16.6 MP to the 1Ds III's 21.1 MP sensor is not a huge resolution jump, but it makes a nice difference - more than I expected. I think the ISO 12233 resolution chart tool shows this difference the best.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Versus a Compact Digital Camera SLR

Versus a Compact Digital Camera Digital SLR Camera

Digital Single Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras are excellent cameras that produce color images clearer, sharper and more than most point and shoot digital cameras available. With the rapid price declines, they are now more affordable that ever existed. With the price difference between an entry model digital SLR cameras and compact digital cameras depletion of the most expensive, the question is ... I spent the extra money and get a digital SLR camera? or save several hundred dollars and buy the best compact digital camera.

In addition to price falls in the Digital SLR models, the performance on these cameras has increased from year to year with the latest digital SLR cameras for faster and faster than ever before. They have improved so that power up or start-up time near instantaneous with virtually no lag time. "Lag time is the time between you pressing the shutter release button and the camera actually taking the picture." This delay can vary quite a bit between different camera models and this is one of the biggest disadvantage compared to compact digital cameras. Latest digital SLR cameras have almost no lag time and react in the same way as conventional film cameras, even in burst mode. Compact digital cameras catching up, but the difference was still significant. A time delay ~ 0.5 seconds can cause you to lose your heart rate at the time and then that picture is great potential.

Digital SLR camera also has a larger sensor than the smaller sensors in compact digital cameras. This is equivalent to higher sensitivity and less noise and results in the camera taking clearer pictures in low light. (They also have better autofocus speed in low light as well). A measure of sensitivity in digital cameras and various ISO ISO typical for a digital SLR camera varies from ISO 100 - 1600 with the latter being more sensitive. ISO range for a compact digital camera varies from ISO 50-400. In short, the higher the ISO rating, the higher sensitivity and good photos can be taken in low light.

Digital SLR cameras have longer battery life because of the limited use of the LCD screen. Please note that as the LCD screen is only used for viewing pictures, the battery life of digital SLR can allow up to 2000 images per charge in some cameras compared to 500 for a good point and shoot digital camera.

Digital SLR cameras also allow you to exchange such as adding zoom lens or macro lens if necessary.

Digital Camera Repair

Digital Camera Repair

Depending on how one looks at it, one could assume that it includes the time the product is received by the service provider up until the time they leave the facility. Or maybe it is time overall consumer experience to repair their cameras including transit both to and from repair facilities. Some may even think that the actual time the technician needs to do the actual details of the repair.

As recently five years ago, the turnaround time of 4 to 6 weeks often cited for the consumer digital camera repair throughout the United States. For some people, this does not make sense given this logic: digital camera that lets you view images in as fast as 2 seconds, the camera image is processed in the fastest movie in about an hour. If an hour of the camera image takes 6 weeks to repair (through a depot from anywhere in the country) then the customer's expectations for improvement figure 2 the second camera will be 33 minutes from the time they descended to improve when they take it or delivered. You can understand the logic, but it's not quite realistic!

Little Digital Camera Guide

Little Digital Camera Guide

Digital photography is almost as common as ordinary photography today. They even have a digital camera built into the pda and the phone now. With the swing-up digital photo quality, and increasing the size of the memory card, it is not surprising.

Although I do not have the resources to provide in-depth reviews and ratings, I can run through the basic features to look for when buying a digital camera, and showed some great deals I found.

What are Megapixels?

Digital Camera Megapixels size and quality level. Basically, megapixels mean, millions of pixels. If you have a 5 megapixel camera, which is 5 million pixels. With a pixel to be one point, you can begin to see the point. The more dots you can have in the picture, good quality you can get. Also, many points of your image, the bigger it can without losing image quality.

I'm sure you've tried to stretch the image file size before, and find that it only be the bigger it gets blurry. With high megapixels, you can have a much bigger picture, without losing image quality. The only real downside to this is that the more megapixels your image, the larger the file size. With a very high image quality, you can fill the memory stick is very fast.

What numbers Zoom means at my digital camera?

Number on the zoom just means how many times closer to the image appears. A 3x zoom will make objects appear 10 feet 30 feet away in the picture. There are usually two types of zoom on digital camera, digital zoom and optical zoom. Normal optical zoom lens you'll see with a camera who does not have a fixed lens. You can zoom, focus, etc.

Digital on the other side is digital zoom method, in which he took the pictures when you are through the lens, and crop it, then blow it and interpolates the image (ie, it adjusts picture quality so that you cut no escape). Some cameras can have both, and in most cases when you see a camera with both digital and optical zoom, will lump the two together. For example, the camera may boast 16x zoom, but really, it has 8x optical zoom and 8x digital zoom. Just something to consider when shopping for digital cameras.

What kind of features should I look for in a Digital Camera?

Here is a list of the most common features that may be a digital camera:

LCD Screen - very nice for displaying your photos as you take them

Memory Stick Slot - a few cameras to take some kind of memory stick, while others only use a floppy, make sure you know what support

Memory Stick Included - This can be expensive, so having one that came to save you money

Rechargeable Battery - This can be very important if you use the camera a lot, make sure you know how long it lasts too

Battery Charger - if it comes with rechargeable batteries, also must come with a charger, or else you have to buy one

USB / Firewire - what methods it uses to connect to your computer, make sure your computer supports

Video Capturing - some cameras can take short video clips

Monday, October 3, 2011

Digital Photography

Digital Photography

Develop Your Skills Shooting Into Your Very Own Photography Services

You can also promote your photography services by adding a photo blog. Tips like how to hold a digital camera really really can be important when developing the skills you snap photos.
ISO settings for the camera is key in learning to shoot the perfect shot. Shutter speed is also a feature that you need to become a master. A good photographer will know the equipment that will include digital cameras and all equipment that comes with it. Canon is known for making big brand digital cameras.

You can go online and research the camera that you might like. Deals are always around for a digital camera. Stores offer deals for shoppers to get their hands on a digital device.
Photography is a wonderful experience for those involved with it. Adobe Photoshop is the program that is widely used when capturing images. Especially for the purposes of editing, you need an efficient program to enable you to make the desired changes necessary. If you really want to become an expert, consider going to school photography.

 Try to practice taking pictures with your digital camera and downloaded to your computer. In the case of a career in digital photography, it could become a career. You may find your passion in a photograph or drawing. The Internet makes digital photography even more exciting career, because there are many directions in which you can enter the Project is not limited in this area as photography continues to grow from time to time.