Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Little Digital Camera Guide

Little Digital Camera Guide

Digital photography is almost as common as ordinary photography today. They even have a digital camera built into the pda and the phone now. With the swing-up digital photo quality, and increasing the size of the memory card, it is not surprising.

Although I do not have the resources to provide in-depth reviews and ratings, I can run through the basic features to look for when buying a digital camera, and showed some great deals I found.

What are Megapixels?

Digital Camera Megapixels size and quality level. Basically, megapixels mean, millions of pixels. If you have a 5 megapixel camera, which is 5 million pixels. With a pixel to be one point, you can begin to see the point. The more dots you can have in the picture, good quality you can get. Also, many points of your image, the bigger it can without losing image quality.

I'm sure you've tried to stretch the image file size before, and find that it only be the bigger it gets blurry. With high megapixels, you can have a much bigger picture, without losing image quality. The only real downside to this is that the more megapixels your image, the larger the file size. With a very high image quality, you can fill the memory stick is very fast.

What numbers Zoom means at my digital camera?

Number on the zoom just means how many times closer to the image appears. A 3x zoom will make objects appear 10 feet 30 feet away in the picture. There are usually two types of zoom on digital camera, digital zoom and optical zoom. Normal optical zoom lens you'll see with a camera who does not have a fixed lens. You can zoom, focus, etc.

Digital on the other side is digital zoom method, in which he took the pictures when you are through the lens, and crop it, then blow it and interpolates the image (ie, it adjusts picture quality so that you cut no escape). Some cameras can have both, and in most cases when you see a camera with both digital and optical zoom, will lump the two together. For example, the camera may boast 16x zoom, but really, it has 8x optical zoom and 8x digital zoom. Just something to consider when shopping for digital cameras.

What kind of features should I look for in a Digital Camera?

Here is a list of the most common features that may be a digital camera:

LCD Screen - very nice for displaying your photos as you take them

Memory Stick Slot - a few cameras to take some kind of memory stick, while others only use a floppy, make sure you know what support

Memory Stick Included - This can be expensive, so having one that came to save you money

Rechargeable Battery - This can be very important if you use the camera a lot, make sure you know how long it lasts too

Battery Charger - if it comes with rechargeable batteries, also must come with a charger, or else you have to buy one

USB / Firewire - what methods it uses to connect to your computer, make sure your computer supports

Video Capturing - some cameras can take short video clips

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