Tuesday, August 23, 2011

By Digital Camera Taking Pictures Of Food in Restaurants

How To Take Pictures Of Food in Restaurants - By Digital Camera

We have it all. We hope that more light was so nice to sit in a dark corner of a restaurant table, do not use the built-in flash in. Maybe he's afraid of our site, the page up and when you do one thing to publish the best picture pretty blog, one of the best food ever eaten by us. less than great results when you got home Was. Flash was created to reflect the hot spot at the table something that simple. Stemware, cutlery, crockery, including. Minutes of the high ISO is used for trouble shooting in the dark in the restaurant very much. There are some simple solutions to it.

To get a good picture how each restaurant:

1. Diffuse sunlight - the fastest easiest way to get a good picture taken with the sun is not directly available. This can be selected from outside the table to be expanded under the umbrella umbrella sun. This is the best way to achieve a great photo.

2. Getting a window from the table - if there are seats available in the open air, or very cold and rainy. There are other ways. One trick is the time of booking, if you can have a window table, is to ask the central reservation. They are "," If I hear you say, if places are available in the following window. It should not be afraid to push push. They may offer you.

3. The use of high-speed lens - work day and open a window table, sunset at night about what to eat in a restaurant if no light is available? This is a complicated place. Navigate to the camera, shoot, this is an option many do not have. In order to achieve results that truly great at home using low light, digital SLR with the ability to change the lens (DSLR) cameras must be obtained. This means that the lenses are not just flat. Bookmarks Nikon D40 is a beginner camera. However, some of the latest standards, Nikons and work. I do not have to use Nikon, D40, and I have for your eBay, Amazon and found that you can get a lot of really good. The lens is very important. You want fast lenses. That is, the lens can be a lot of light. Another (Let the amount of light, given the size of the hole), F1.8 ~ F2.8, or 0 or more in the light of a big hole after a large aperture lens is called a missed or I did. Although small amounts. Something (f4.0 or so) to reduce the problem. As long as you are, the lens (Image Stabilization) is.

4. Please use the preview image - as a result of my review camera images, have found that works very well to describe a restaurant. This built-in camera in front of all the nearby point and shoot, the camera is limited by the very digital SLR yet. Why I'm very comfortable because there is no need to hold the camera in the face of fire. This can prevent fire restaurant special. Please see the picture on the back of the camera's LCD screen you have the camera with no food and a view to focus the image.

5. The fire, not at the level of the table, at eye level - above 10 we negotiating table you have the desire to shoot angle 40 degrees, which is currently taking food at any time. That is, take pictures of the dishes on top of the eye. We humans are always more interesting to you when you receive a good level is where the real food on the plate about 10 degrees, please see our food at eye level.

6. To obtain documents - I eat a lot of bloggers are not attractive, please see this picture is not taken by wide-angle lens. Foreground and background, in fact, we have a lot going on all the food I want to see. You, if you want to highlight some specific areas of a table or at a local restaurant.

7. Do not use the built-in flash - flash to a picture, tend to be boring. If all else fails at first, but the reverse of the above, please use the flash in any of the above methods, only an emergency.

Finally, do not underestimate for image editing software. So I can save the photo using a flat curve and function.

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