Monday, July 11, 2011

Sony A55V Reviews

Specifications Sony A55V

They are described as new innovation from Sony transparent mirror technology, a lot of possibilities. Sony aims A55V hobby photographer, there are several more advanced features. Many advantages are reflected in the Display Properties and A55V - Speed ​​has been.

Features include 16 megapixels. The ability to shoot at 10 frames per second to enable high speed first. There is a higher dynamic range.

The idea behind this is to gather more details in a very difficult light and shadow. Grouped into closed session. In this mode, three rolls A55V images in sequence.

Reduce noise, the sound anti-Sony arrangements contained in the directory to make the evening. It uses the same concept to combat noise in the main event picture. 6, each of these conditions, flames from the image display, quality.To films and general status in order to improve, starting with a full high-definition, combining them. If you plan to travel twice the sound camera handy feature.

The second advantage is the marked site. This will help you determine where to place exactly where the photo was taken. This is, without carrying a video camera with you, means you can shoot short videos.

It is excreted from the body, can then turn. Other great features, including flash-angle 3-inch LCD screen.

The screen provides a live view can capture images using your screen. If you find yourself in an awkward position to shoot you, this is very helpful for you.

In addition, the electronic viewfinder. This provides a way view.This 100% to avoid paying a premium for the lens image stabilization. Built-in image stabilization A55V. Invasion panorama feature also helps to create a panoramic picture. This function will also have the option of 3D.

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