Friday, June 17, 2011

Canon Wide-Angle Lens EF S 10 〜 22 F 3.5 USM

I just my new Canon EF - 22 S 10, for a wide angle lens and bounds. This is one of the most popular Canon lenses, has been designed "sensor crop" of a series SLR. For more information about what crops after the sensor. My first thought was a few frames later, "Wow, this is very broad, and contains the block from me."

My question is why you need a day 10-22 mm wide angle lens. I came with X1i EF Canon already - it has a camera zoom から 55 S 18. So I will do with this offer extra shot from wide angle 8MM. This is my space (and perhaps not quite the football field, and close to it), and a football field is taken 8MM landscapes.

For us there is great need for wide-angle lens for landscape photography. So I can see me in your scene, and tend to take a picture of the red rock mountains and the horizon of very wide range of foreground and distance. I shot most of the scenery and my several T1i lens of 18mm. Is, I mean that it has taken for 35 mm 28.8 mm size of the film. The camera sensor with a crop factor 1.6 T1i.

Now we need to explain the culture and sensors of things. Canon cameras, sensors and complete a crop sensor in the line of 1.3 and 1.6 is sufficient to say that there are three of the following ratios. This is the ratio of the sensor (computer chips that can be converted to digital images of reference) points. Sensor is the same as the overall size of 35mm cameras in recent years. The other two ratios are a subset of the full-size sensor and 35mm film to a large extent. Sensing the full practice, the sense that it refers to the football field as a whole, within the 20-yard line 1.6 1.3 sensor factor appears to cover the 30-yard line. Now, there's your math disciplines, at a rate not to maintain my right, and I'm just trying to explain the concept.

What Canon cameras here, the list shows the sensor is as follows.

    Canon EOS 1DS, Mark II and II (full frame)
    Canon 5D Mark II and EOS 5D (full frame)
    Canon EOS 1D Mark III and IV (1.3 crop frame)
    Canon digital level, T1i, XSI, XS (1,6 interruption frame X)
    Canon 30D EOS 20D, 40D, 50D, 7D (1,6 interruption frame X)

Why now after all this lusting angle of 10-22 mm wide, you need it, I hope to have a relationship with them? Now you, this lens (Whew a long time, and we know) that fit the camera. In addition, the wide and 10MM wide-angle, compared with what looks like a full frame camera you would know that this is really a 16 mm camera. This is still very good, and I'm really captures the different views of red rocks, I like a lot.

What other characteristics of the lens do? I have read all the articles indicate that it is very high quality "glass." Canon characters, described the "L" to identify the highest model of the lens. Is not specified 22 10 SF/3.5-4.5 is "L" in the use of one of the three components of sustainable development and aspherical is a common feature of the quality of the lens - EF. The first lens of the first picture to me, and left me an impression of how to clean and clear.

These are the components of visual quality, and not "a kind of low-end consumer lenses." Some analysts EF - if the lenses S, that "L" indicates that it is possible to get a set that is, but a pro-level digital SLR (EOS 5D, 1DS series) does not comply with the law, "professional" that is not set L. In fact, EF - S lens so far but not in the "L" must be specific.

EF - S lenses, of course, and APS - meant C (1,6) and Canon SLR sensor for use with the installation of only the material of the current digital EOS 20D and a series of rebel, 30D, 40D, 7D is a 50D. EF - design elements lens EF S belonging, especially in the shorter format to improve the image quality will be closer to the sensors. EF - a S "S" is "to focus once again short" stands for, and now you know why.

This lens has a number of technical reasons that are suitable for wide shots and landscapes. Experience has shown to be very sharp and very fast during AF. When we look at the negative side of someone close to you, if you use this lens, and say they want to see the position of exhibitions and distorted circus mirrors. Obviously, the view in the open air all the same, and designed for such images.

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