Friday, June 10, 2011

New Business Photographer Wedding Using a Digital Camera

In many cases, the Forum will be the browser, I noticed that the new wedding photographer came from some of the questions people are just beginning. I am in this article, I wrote originally in favor of one of the forum participants, the more people are encouraged to issue this report. I did my best here to provide equity and alternative view is that everyone has their opinions necessarily. If you need to provide any additions or corrections, please do not hesitate to let me know! So here goes:

1. Also, my friend / relative that is married, they asked me to shoot the wedding. Do I need to do that? What do I claim?
2. Do I need any equipment? Is there enough good guitar?
3. I'm ready to become a real adult photo business in the United States in practice. What should I do?
4. Now, I work really, is how much needs to be recharged?
5. I printed the image using your CD or group would like to offer?
6. I am, RAW or JPG or shoot?
7. Do I shoot or increased prime?
8. To view how a second shooter?
9. To shoot in any mode?
10. Do I need to get permission to use music to someone about my site?

Question 1: Because my friend / relative that is married, they asked me to shoot the wedding. Do I need to do that? What do I claim?

The answer is one: A major responsibility of shooting the wedding. Does this mess if the repairs or can be obtained by going to the same portrait taken in order to provide a response not just. Do these have not been taken by most people, and some of the most important images, you owe it to yourself to potential customers and be honest about your abilities. A wedding is difficult and changing conditions and normal function requires a high degree of quality in a sustainable long day. If you make a mistake, you can damage a deep relationship with these people.

Under the title of the forum, many answers to this question, "I said to them, say it is better to hire a professional" to.

Many here argue, this situation is your legal responsibility to increase the likelihood of misunderstanding is when something goes wrong, such as wedding photography for money, if you do not shoot. Paid by the company between them was a guest on the camera is a big difference. Are these people you say you want to take money from.

Some believe that if you are a wedding shoot enough, honest enough to charge suggests that there is a need to have confidence. This is a good bit to change the region, an average American couple, a little less than a dollar to spend 2K for wedding photography. Exclusive responsibility of the wedding shooter than many 5-digit prices is not very rare.

We are given the possibility of misunderstanding, regardless of some of her level of experience, here are refusing to provide wedding photography with friends and relatives.

Some before you go out alone suggests that it tries to find a local professional experienced with the tag to get some experience. By creating their own competition some photographers not to accept it, please prepare to be motivated to help others. In addition, an experienced photographer, the "second shooter" and a lot more aware of, and offers a weekly basis.

Are you still going to be shooting practice in this kind of environment that most people (ie scouts go to church) and a similar situation a wedding day where people actively If you are looking to propose. If you have not been before the wedding day is the best time to learn is not suitable then the f/1.4 ISO flash to photograph was 50 / 1 3200.

You are taking, and good luck if it is set correctly for you good light!

Question 2: What equipment do I need? Is there enough good guitar?

2 The answer is: we said, had in the military: "He is one of two people is not." This is enough of any part of the annex without him If it is important that it is difficult to shoot a wedding, which means that you have your back. This means that you need to begin:
A second camera body
Continuous Wave
If you have not deleted the rest of 70-24 fish a day, enough has been cut lens

Products, there are many other factors may be important before they are needed the most expensive. If the shutter fails, the lens and flash, walking paths or if you delete the following "Hey sorry, I BestBuy and more new models to buy it ... you can be away from the whole You must run "? "You are all Argue that the shooter to financial constraints and budget-oriented: This is probably the case that at least we do not help.

The public will do a good job lighting conditions are difficult is that you need f/2.8 or faster lenses. Using high-speed lens, improving the body in the dark as to focus the camera in a dark place (whether) you can use the following. President at least one brief argued that many (ie, mm 50 f/1.8) in addition to the cheap but important group, you are limited when shooting flash rite in particular. What are those you I F - if I have any idea from talking to stop, you might be better to consider a plan to shoot this wedding.

Many great photographers, wedding ministers, or it is 35 mm 50 mm lens, you can not say that the majority of professional photography, and at least available (even if they are not used) wide angle coverage lenses is the standard set, and at short to medium-telephoto. This is equivalent to approximately 200 mm - 24 on the ground, full frame configuration: Depending on the size of the sensor. They may need a lens in each case, significant benefits to remain in the case of almost every wedding, there are a few covers this part.

Also, your body you have to do the job right into the hands of someone you know is almost certainly good enough. I doubt it adds more high-end, the Board may choose to shoot a wedding at the beginning of next week, and D40x Digital Rebel, but very possible if you know what to do. However, there are a lot of quality to facilitate the benefits of facilities on the top shelf of use and reliability.

You can also create a picture of security, the plan should be considered? After explaining why he lost the pictures of your bride's all my computer viruses that can excuse a lot of tears. Offsite backup is to provide extra protection against fire or theft.

Question 3: We are ready to begin taking real-life business in the U.S. I'm really great. What should I do?

Answer 3: The commercial laws and regulations vary by state. But as a whole needs, please check the number of licensed business tax. Did you choose whether to include several ways, the only remaining traders. You have the main advantage of incorporation want to limit liability if they should know, you need to be ready for a full course of life and property of the personal nature of your business . The moment you start using the money for personal items of work, you will become familiar with lawyers and legal notice to get to break your assets if it is in litigation. Integration of local laws and regulations lawyer, talk to the freedom to decide whether it is right for you: For many small businesses are likely necessary level of isolation it is difficult or impossible There.

Congratulations! Now you can start paying taxes! Do not forget that the budget allocated to it, tax administration, tax burden on the use, state and federal level to local and familiar with the duties, please do not consult your local help.

Many people also strongly recommended that you obtain insurance for your business. This is to cover the purchase of all sections to be responsible for the most important part of the policy? Why does someone break trips and lightstand or hip? If one out of a short film what your light, lighting a fire place? You can still imagine a nightmare scenario ... what do you will need this coverage? Maybe not (I hope), but if you need it, if any, you will have the potential to ruin your life. Industry standards, 1000000 dollars general liability coverage. Other things, the errors and omissions (the E & O) to examine the cover and coating equipment.

It is strongly recommended that you only work a contract reviewed by a local lawyer familiar with the deal. Oral contracts do not cut it. Period. This is a service which the terms of payment which must be reduced or explicit to be submitted at any time on the Internet.

It also must be clearly kept in the calendar is updated! The book industry is a double fault: we please run the airline after all.

Question 4: Now, whether or not to charge me, in fact, the real work, huh?

Answer 4: As mentioned earlier, the average price in the United States to film the wedding at the moment, according to some regional rabbit is only under $ 2K. You will be so Ino Ken read this article instead, there will be a very unpleasant argument when you send this question in the forum!

Some things include:
And you actually have to pay taxes, buy insurance, your wedding photos are all a part of this device is supposed to be later than you think you are a little expensive .
New picture, to underestimate the amount of work required for most wedding photography. Client meetings, and edit session to confirm, please account ...
The strategy that was announced over the long term, unless you are targeted for budget weddings, mainly if you plan to achieve the success you really are, Craigslist will probably not be cut it I. You need to plan to purchase advertising and marketing materials, including sample albums and photos. It is the best word of mouth advertising usually takes time and money to reach the point where most customers are reserved in this way. So far, McDonald's and Coca-Cola why, but still, even where the market leader, there is reason to be announced.

Your best bet is (in plain English) can be, sitting down for an honest assessment:
) How much of my fixed costs (advertising, insurance, etc.)?
B) Do you need to buy more equipment like?
B) How fast are you new equipment (by age or service), need to buy my old equipment obsolete and will not wear
D) How many things, but I have given the client, it cost?
D) How much time and this is really me?

Remove and divide the number of family time and cost, the time has your speed. I you plan to order for survival is happy that how much money you need to do in the short term, you need to know how much long term. Then, please compare the prices of domestic competitive proposals. The trick is to adjust what you need and I think I actually can get. You may need to offer lower prices than actually getting the ball rolling, you should note that you need to become a viable business you actually.

Question 5: Do you print the image using your CD or group to offer?

The answer is five: you if we earn enough money to provide for themselves and their families at the level are glad that you have to do the right way it is, ultimately, this cat There are many ways to skin. Some people do not provide all of the Conference on Disarmament in its business model relies on sales of tangible products such as publications and albums. When you save the picture right, we are please make sure you can maintain control of product quality. However, many brides are requested to provide an option to print these days expect the Conference on Disarmament. You (and a la carte is reflected in the price of the group, and (if you make something that might be included is now available as read: To determine basic price, the best way to deal with this resolution stream as well) is to calculate the points:
My desire of the bride or the target market, which is expected to create the image? How many reservations, mu suffer if they do not provide it?
"How many brides, the drive actually order prints or albums from my oldest? Sales value was lost how much?
Any concessions that may be offered as the medium resolution files are files that are not edited for editing, copying and other limited rights?

At this point, to overwhelming demand, the U.S. proposal for the bride, digital options, in an overstatement to say most of the wedding photographer is not much. However, the value of the rights of businesses and everyone understands that recognizes the ability to print these pictures. Nobody, "offers these assets away, working long hours available.

Question 6: I can shoot RAW or JPG can I?

6 The answer is: At this point, it is, Lightroom for RAW a little when JPG files and programs you can work with, especially now more than a wedding photographer in most of their raw form. However, many successful, talented shooters prefer a joint plan for various reasons.

In addition to the material:
In order to determine the white balance is not easy if you closed the door behind us
Flexibility when you do not die, the more exposure to determine
- Joint Planning arrest bit high dynamic range

Expert JPG:
Small file size (the need for storage, and the following cards)
Less likely to flow processing, faster
To complete the following cameras, when taking high-speed buffer is likely
The appearance of some of the camera's JPG output in some people really like.

At the end of the day you here is that you have taken a wrong answer just enjoy. You have to start when you make a mistake but it was inevitable to get you started, RAW shooting is a safe option.

Question 7: I have not taken an increase in prime or can I?

Answer 7: More than all the prime numbers, his supporters. He pointed out that experts in each movie:

This is just showing the standard print size is insufficient, and usually more prominent prime, slightly similar quality (maximum around the hole) increases.
- Provide opportunities to increase depth of field is less than prime
A simple numerical low-light conditions up to optimum.
President of the specific values ​​of some aspects of image quality, such as personal lens blur and some color.
And you better perspective some of the spiritual discipline, a better prediction for the transfer of one leg of a more creative compositions, and the focal length to work to facilitate a better direction You can see that.
If you are using - the prime can be extended to a larger hole in your flash.

The picture speaks better viewing quality, you can argue that increased production of excellent images for everyone. Some zoom (for example, the Nikon 14 to 24) are special, to override the prime quality of the most common, have in common.
C rises, the composition is rarely compromised.
- An incredible new powers the camera, slot it easier for extreme low light shooting following required (less than 2.8) may depend on high ISO performance they provide Masu.
Instead, all of the prime arguments offered are sharp, if there is an important crop to be good stock.
Finally, the wide-angle, a few millimeters is a big difference in the field of vision. For these reasons, the wide-angle increases, in particular, can be a great asset for the composition.
In many cases to purchase high quality, top quality, cover two, than to buy a prime advantage of the three.

In addition to my own personal liberation, the best option here is both. As stated in the body responsible Uno Hanayo format if there is only one camera, "what equipment I need," one lens is scheduled to cover the critical point. The prime natural supplements will make does not overlap with each other, they are significantly reduced (eg, 35/85/135), a decent set of scales and a decent set of primes (- 200 16-35/24 -70/70) on all the equipment necessary to provide a reduction, to cover the wedding is not all.

What should be used more systematically, this trend is based on your personal art altogether. The only experience can give you a real response.

I hope this has been a useful overview of some frequently-asked questions by people just starting out in the wedding photography field. Despite popular belief, its a tough business, and the turnover/failure rate is exceedingly high. Running a profitable business will require both artistic talent and business acumen. Good luck to you!

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